Hike Happy

I was pondering the other day on what immediately comes to mind when I want to go for a walk. 

A leafy lane in summer with golden sunlight slanting through the trees? A cool, crisp winter's day striding the hills? Hunting for mushrooms in a darkening, damp woodland? The fresh scent of a bluebell wood in spring? A gentle stroll along the riverbank.? Yes, all of these and much more, but whatever my mind conjures up, it makes me feel instantly happy.

Walking has such a powerful association with the things I love, that I can almost smell the leaf mold or the wood smoke of a distant bonfire in an autumnal forest, I can feel the chill of an icy breeze on the hilltop, I can see the wildflowers in the verge, smell the heather, touch rough tree bark, hear the skylarks and I love it. More than that, I need it. 

Our lives are all so busy, so noisy and so frantic, that it's lovely, not to mention vital, to switch off, still the chatter and enjoy something simpler, gentler and calmer. A walk for me is always a chance to clear my head and clear my mind and it always makes me happy or happier. When all you have to think about is what is in front of you, in that moment, then you're not worrying about answering that email, sending a thousand texts, checking your social media feeds or who said what to whom. 

A walk can soothe. An argument, an upset, a niggle, a problem. You can think more clearly, rationally and calmly. I love an evening walk to clear an aching, stuffy head from being indoors all day looking at a screen, enjoying and delighting in nature; flowers, birds, trees, scenery, horses in a field, the weather, the sights, sounds and smells; whatever it is. All of it and everything is added to the mix and results in a burst of endorphins and a wave of happiness.

I always, without fail, feel better.


I love a twilight walk when the world seems different and unfamiliar but exciting. I love an early walk, heading into the sunrise of a cool dawn, watching the colours of the sky change by the minute. I love a quick scoot round our local woods, or a long, hard hike in the hills. I love a Christmas walk when everyone’s cheery and you can hurry home and thaw out by the fire. I love walking in all seasons and all weathers. It all makes me happy.

It doesn't have to be a full day out in amazing scenery, it could be a local walk from home that you've done a hundred times before. It could include the pleasure of walking and talking with a friend; focussing on the conversation and really listening. It could be a stroll alone, giving you the chance to take notice of the small things without distraction, or work through a problem in peace and quiet. It could just be taking the dog out and the simple, infectious pleasure that that brings. All of it makes me happy.

Even the anticipation of a walk brings me joy. Looking forward to a trip to the Lakes and being out on the hills when we live a five hour drive away. A coastal walk with the tang of salty air and the freshness of the sea. Planning a walk, planning your summer, working out which route to take or exploring new paths.

Walking is so good for us in so many ways. For me physically, I sleep better if I've had daily exercise and wake up feeling more relaxed and refreshed and looking forward to the day. Mentally, it increases my positivity, relaxes me, helps reduce anything I might be a little worried or upset about and helps me to feel more energised. Above all, it makes me feel happy and content.

So how do I feel about wanting to go for a walk, going for a walk or thinking about a walk? Happy, that's how.
