Lockdown 2020
/Well, these certainly are unprecedented times.
Firstly, my thoughts and sympathies are with everyone who has relatives and friends they have lost, who are unwell, in the most vulnerable section of society or coping with lockdown alone.
Secondly, huge respect, thanks, gratitude and admiration for all our NHS workers, emergency services, supermarket workers, chemists, delivery drivers, food producers and every other key worker who are all toiling selflessly, tirelessly and at great personal risk to help us all and keep us fed.
So, with weeks at home, what am I doing to keep busy? We were due to go the Lakes for a fortnight in the middle of March which has been moved to October and I really appreciate the three hotels and one cottage company moving them quickly without additional charge. We have another two weeks booked at the end of May which I will move to next year.
Exercise: We are taking one short fresh air walk from the door each day - within a mile we can be in rural countryside where we meet no one. We have a running machine and a little stepper at home which we use and Bro has his road bike attached to Zwift - an online virtual cycling programme - where he cycles virtually with friends and even has a virtual coffee afterwards! Just to keep fitness levels up and keep active.
Gardening: We’re lucky to have a sizeable garden, so we’ve been weeding, pruning, painting benches, fences and steps, but it’s also nice just to sit and listen to the birds. We have a couple of bird feeders up and it’s incredible the number of birds that appear. We also have some Blue Tits in our nest box and lots of squirrels.
Kit: This is a great time to sort out kit. We have cleaned and re-proofed our walking boots, re-proofed down jackets and waterproofs, mended any fastenings or straps on rucksacks and cleaned them, cleaned walking poles and generally turfed out old or broken items. Winter hats, gloves and fleeces have all been washed.
Planning: This is a great time to plan routes, new destinations, new trips. There a lots of ideas on You Tube, in books, magazines, online, on Facebook groups and so on for walks and routes. We spend a lot of time doing this and hopefully when all this is over, we will appreciate being able to get out on the fells again even more.
Photos: I spent a lot of time going through my thousands of photos; editing, deleting and filing. I also spent a couple of hours a day last week producing a photo book. We also spent time looking at the photos we have in frames and re-framed, re-mounted, re-printed or touched up those we had to make them look better. We also did the same with pictures on the walls.
Blogging: For those that write blogs, this is a good time to create more content, or try to promote your blog. Perhaps even start a blog or even a You Tube channel.
Books: I have a lot of books and went through them, streamlining and editing out those I don’t read any more. I took a bag to our local charity bin drop which I neatly combined with my short daily walk.
Social Media: There are some great sites out there where people are posting pictures and funny items to keep peoples’ spirits up. I love my daily dose of Lake District pictures and those amazing people who run marathons on their balcony and climb Everest up their stairs. Whatever we can do to raise morale is a good thing. It’s a perfect way to keep up with self isolated friends and we also have a work What’s App group to keep in touch.
Neighbours: We’re lucky that we have lovely neighbours, both next door on each side and next but one on each side and it’s lovely to chat over the fence - much more than usual as everyone is normally at work.
Arts: A bit of a new one, but Bro paints really well so he’s being doing that although he works from home and does have work still coming in. He’s also taken up wood carving and has produced some lovely little figures. I had a go at lino cutting as I’d had the bits for over a year and never touched it, with surprisingly reasonable results, and photos of both our efforts made it into Cumbria Life magazine!
So, whatever your circumstances and surroundings, we will get through this.
Stay at home, observe the guidelines, be kind to each other, keep safe and well.